Orthopedic Splints and Casts- Subhadeep PGModules.pptx from Subha Deep The purpose of casting and splinting is immobilization. Immobilization of fractures or injuries helps to reduce the pain and further damage to adjacent structures. Immobilization also helps in healing in a undisplaced fracture and also in displaced fractures needing ORIF, after the procedure. Splints and cast must be given skillfully to avoid injury to bony prominences as well as soft tissue. There must be enough room to allow post injury swelling so that there is least chance of vascular compression compromising the circulation. And they must also take care of any superficial injuries. Fractures and dislocations are are reduced by forces exact opposite which caused the injury (reversal od the injury mechanism) and proper attention to be given to restoration od length rotation angulation and joint position while reduction of the injury The Gypsum Bandage sizes for giving a Immobilization Cast are 2-4" ...
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